This page is no longer updated, but you can find more information about the latest DLC zones and their fishing achievements over here in the Fishing Reports area!
OCT 14, 2015: Orsinium: New Trophy Fish!
There will be twelve new trophy fish within Orsinium, including the addition of a single new legendary purple fish!

It looks like ZOS is separating out the DLC achievements, which means the new trophy fish from IC and Orsinium will not affect the Master Angler achievement or title.
AUG 31, 2015: Imperial City: New Fishing Achievement Line!
ESO’s first DLC — Imperial City — contains a new achievement category with new trophy fish found exclusively in Imperial City!
- New 5 point achievement category under “Fishing” in the Trophy line called “Imperial City Angler”
- 12 new trophy fish listed under the achievement
- NO additions or changes to the Master Angler achievement
- NO dye associated with the achievement
Here is the official info about fishing in the PC/Mac patch notes:
Fishing in Imperial City
Adventurers will find the moats of Imperial City particularly rife with fish, more so than elsewhere in Tamriel. However, the groundskeepers normally responsible for tending to these piscine communities are, unfortunately, dead and/or Daedra. Be warned!
Here are some screenshots I took:

AUG 31, 2015: Fish Can No Longer Be Banked for Other Characters to Learn
With the new base-game patch released recently, you can no longer bank your trophy fish and then “learn” the achievement on another character. This is sad news indeed, if you planned to get the Master Angler achievement with more than one character without having to catch ever single fish again.
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