No doubt you’ve passed by a player with a line dropped into lake or river and wondered what the appeal is. Players can fish in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) for fun and useful purposes, some of which may surprise you!
1. Catch valuable crafting mats to use or sell
2. Earn shiny fishing achievements with titles and dyes
3. Relaxing activity with friends
4. Exploration & collection
Catch Crafting Mats
When you catch fish, you can filet them into the provisioning ingredient called (you guessed it) “fish”! Fish is used in several food recipes that can grant you more health, stamina and magicka. In addition to gaining fish provisioning materials, you now also have the chance to obtain “Perfect Roe” when you filet your fish. Perfect Roe is used in a special new provisioning recipe called “Psijic Ambrosia” which grants a player 50% more experience gained when using the drink.
The waters in Tamriel are full of interesting things beyond fish… when you cast in your line, you may pull out something surprising called a “wet gunny sack”. These sacks go into your inventory, where you can then open them and find useful mats like tannins, trait gems, and enchanting runes.
Fishing Achievements
ESO gives a whopping 24 achievements for fishing. In fact, there is an entire subsection dedicated to this activity in your quest achievement journal. Achievements can be obtained by catching the rare green and blue uniquely named fish in each zone — and if you collect them all, you will become a “Master Angler”. This title is almost as rare as the “Emperor” title.
Relaxing Activity with Friends
Fishing is incredibly relaxing after questing, delving or intense pvp in Cryodiil. It’s one of the best ways to really take in the scenery of Tamriel! And what better way to spend this relaxing time than with a couple of friends? Fishing is definitely more fun with a few people, especially if your all on a voice chat service. Some guilds even have fishing social events. Fishing with other players also increases your chances of catching rare fish (see more in the Tips Guide).
Exploration & Collection
Do you get a thrill when you come around a mountain pass and find a lore book? Are you a bit of a completionist and need to have every interesting point marked on your map? Fishing enthusiasts have the same thrill when finding a new fishing spot and get a great sense of satisfaction when the map is full of tiny fishing hooks (see the Add-On guide for more info on how to mark your map!). There are hundreds of unique fishing spots you can find everywhere from a small lake in a peaceful town to a dangerous cave deep within a public dungeon. Finding and marking them all is a great challenge!
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