Fishing in ESO isn’t just for relaxation and socializing with your buddies… you can get perfect roe and other valuable crafting materials. Unlike fishing for trophy fish and achievements, fishing for crafting mats means you’ll be looking for white fish. Here’s a look at what you’ll get:
Fish for Provisioning
By far, the most common item you’ll receive while fishing is…well…fish. Fish is a provisioning ingredient used in over 20 recipes, including purple recipes such as Potentate’s Supreme Cioppine which increases health by 3150 and magicka and stamina by 2880.
To receive the provisioning “fish” ingredient, you’ll need to filet the white (common) fish you catch. You can then trade or sell your fish to other players or in guild stores. Filleting a fish is easy – just open your inventory and double-click on the fish or right-click and choose “use”. Your character will pull out a large knife and begin scaling the fish. The filleted fish will be placed into your inventory automatically. (I recommend using Votan’s Fish Filet add-on, which you can learn more about here).
Perfect Roe for Provisioning
This rare ingredient was added to the game in June, 2015. Perfect Roe is used in a recipe called Psijic Ambrosia. This is a rare gold recipe that is split into many fragments — and those fragments can only be obtained by completing provisioning writs. The higher your provisioning level, the better chances you have to receive a recipe fragment as a reward for completing writs.
Perfect Roe can only be obtained by filleting white (common) fish that you catch. The type of white fish does not matter — you can filet fish from lakes, rivers, oceans and foul water. The chance/ drop rate of getting a Perfect Roe appears to be about 1 in 100 fish filleted, but there is certainly an element of luck involved.
You’ll know you have obtained a Perfect Roe if your character is bathed in sparkly light while filleting the fish that held the roe. The Roe is automatically placed in your inventory or crafting bag.
Wet Gunny Sacks
Fish aren’t the only thing you’ll find when you reel in your cast. You have a slight chance to pull up a Wet Gunny Sack from all of the water types. The sacks go into your inventory, where you can then “use” them and open up your mini-treasure bag. You’ll find materials such as tannins, trait gems, motif mats and runes. Most of the time, you’ll get something common (like a single Ta, for example) but sometimes you’ll get a stack of Denata or Embroidery. It’s all just luck of the draw.
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